Sunday, August 01, 2004

hot hot hot

It's still hotter than stink here. It's gross actually, or rather was gross for most of the day today. Our lawn desperately needed mowing and many weeds needed to be whacked but it was just too damned hot to do it all day. At one point this afternoon, on our way home from doing errands, I noticed a kid around the corner mowing a lawn in the midday sun. He looked like he was going to drop dead from the heat.

Instead of killing ourselves this afternoon, we did a couple of errands and continued with our veg-fest. The forecast was calling for rain tomorrow so I suggested that we wait until after dinner to tackle the yard. I knew that there was a good chance that we might try to weasel out of it by then but I just didn't see any benefit in making ourselves sick by doing in the afternoon. The after dinner thing actually worked out quite well. By the time we got outside, there was a nice bit of a breeze blowing and that made the heat actually tolerable. It was a bit of a race but we got it finished up. Of course, there is still a tonne of housework to do inside, before our company arrives but I should be able to get it all done tomorrow...fingers crossed anyway!

One thing that made me smile today: Our yard. One of the nice things about yardwork is that you can actually stand back when you're finished and reflect upon a job well done because, unlike many things we do everyday, you can actually see a results of your labour, immediately. I was also happy to have completed this huge chore with very few bug bites. Ordinarily I get eaten alive when we do yard work at this time of day. The mosquitoes must have been too tired to bother today.

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