Thursday, December 19, 2002

It's beginning to look a lot like....March?

It's seriously drippy outside. The snow is almost gone and the roads are covered with sandy wet muck that is spraying all over anyone and everything on or near the streets. Christmas-y it's not! At least the icy patch on our door step (watch out for the icy patch!) is melting, finally. We've experienced a strange phenomenon this year...the south end of our house is splattered with birdie poo-poo. Our house has pale blue vinyl siding on it so it's very noticeable. Our next door neighbour has a berry-covered hedge beside the top of our driveway. I think that the neighbour-birdies are chowing down on the berries and, whenever a car drives by (and our street is very busy, we're on a city bus route), they fly away and subsequently cover the side of our house with poo. The poo is also very non-Christmas-y.

I've definitely been busy since I started my vacation earlier this week. Last night, we took Mark's dad with us when we got our groceries. We totally stocked up and spent a small fortune but we got really good stuff. I needed a lot of baking stuff (I'm baking this weekend) and we were low on some staples...and we really don't want to have to go to the store any more than absolutely necessary this weekend. There were a lot of people in the store but they also had a decent number of staff on so it all went really smoothly. I think that going out at 4 p.m. (rather than 5 p.m. - which is our usual time to go) made a huge difference. Joe took us out for dinner after groceries (which was a very nice treat). He was craving chicken so we went to the chalet and actually had an enjoyable meal. For the longest time, I never enjoyed eating there but recently, I've found something on their menu that I actually like (their club wrap sandwich).

We were out quite late though (for us anyway) was after 7 by the time we got home and got the groceries put away. I know that doesn't seem really late but when you go to bed at is! I drove Mark to work again this morning so I'd have the car. I took my camera with me this morning, I had hoped to get some pictures of the moon. It looked totally beautiful yesterday morning but this morning it was completely "obscured by clouds" so I couldn't take any pictures. It was a pity too, I may have to start taking my camera with me in the mornings now, just in case. I am kicking myself today for not taking any pictures yesterday.

I've been on the road pretty much since 8:30 this morning. I had banking to do for Mark's dad, stuff to do at my folks...had to pick Joe up at noon and take him for a haircut... I can see how retired folks can say that they used to have more time to themselves when they were working... tomorrow will be a me day. I'm going to sleep in a little bit and then do housework. Maybe I'll watch a couple of more episodes of my "Once and Again" DVD box. At least I don't have to be anywhere or do anything particular tomorrow.

I guess my "vacation" actually begins on Friday!

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