Monday, November 19, 2018

The Days of the Week - Wednesday Week

On this day in 1970 I officially became a big sister. 

That was a lot of responsibility to put upon the shoulders of someone who was 3.5 at the time.  Eventually, I grew into the role and ended up with the very best brother anyone could hope to ask for. He's a kind, cool, smart, funny, talented guy.  If he wasn't my brother, I would absolutely want to be his friend.  I'm so lucky that he's both.

Happy Birthday to you Patrick.  Love you more than words could ever express!! xo

For my "Days of the Week" theme, this week I'm sharing a Wednesday song.  I think this is actually a song that the birthday boy himself would approve of.  Thinking about it, he would have been 10 when this came out.  Yikes.  It's a couple of years old.  It's an awesome song by a great Irish band, the Undertones. I don't think that there were many bands out there who wrote about teenage angst and broken hearts as well as they did.

This Monday, I leave you with "Wednesday Week" by the Undertones.  Enjoy kiddies xo

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