Friday, July 30, 2004

saw the light

I think that I will survive this darned cold. For the first time in days, I feel like I'm getting better instead of worse.

Despite my best intentions of getting to bed early last night, we actually stayed up for the whole of Kerry's speech. I thought it was really good, although it wasn't as exciting as some of the stuff I'd seen earlier in the week (mainly Al Sharpton's -- but how can anyone compete with that??). I don't honestly know when we've watched as much C-Span but we really enjoyed their coverage. Even though we don't like Bush & Co., I'm looking forward to watching the GOP convention next month. It should be interesting to hear the lies they will spin in the wake of the DNC, if nothing else.

Today was my last day at work for a week and I actually got a lot of stuff done. Now, I'm fairly certain that there are some things I forgot but, to the best of my knowledge, and given how messed up my head has been this week this is saying something, I think I got all of the "important" stuff off of my desk. When I get back to work in a week and a bit, we'll be hitting a particularly busy 2 week period but once that's behind us, I may actually be able to figure out a routine for this new job of mine. Having everyone sort of settled into their new offices / desks has certainly helped a lot. It's been months and months (like since this time last year if I'm honest) since I've felt settled at work. Thank someone for small mercies huh??

One thing that made me smile today: Because Monday is a holiday here, the office was next to dead today. Fortunately, the VP's designate (he's on holidays right now) told us all to leave early today. It was hotter than blue blazes and I was pretty pooped so I was happy to do as I was told!! It was a very nice way to start my little holiday.

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