Friday, February 01, 2008


Well, that snow has arrived, some of it anyway.

The visibility is so bad that you can barely see across the street. I'm not working today as it happens and I'm glad about that. I had booked today off as I had one carry-over day left from last year. I thought I would do some errands, maybe visit a couple of people but alas, I am home.

I am happy to be here too. I hate driving in this weather.

Mark is home too. He got home about an hour ago. Things were nuts in the cab so he packed it in. I'm glad that he's home if I'm honest. I always worry about him on days like this. I got really freaked earlier when I went out to retrieve our garbage can and recycle box from the end of the driveway and realized that it was a sheet of glass under the snow. I almost wiped out. The roads are just as bad he said so, yeah, we're home and safe and dry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely the best place to be is at home today. I brought work home from the office because I didn't think I would be making the trip to Hamilton today! Stay warm and have a great weekend!