Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy love day

I've written on these here pages before how we don't really celebrate the big "V-Day" in our house cuz. I joke that it's because "every day is valentine's day in our house" but that's probably right. I don't think you need to have a special holiday to inspire you to show affection to the folks you care about. It just should be an everyday thing. Also, it seems like this whole holiday is a set up to make single folks feel bad.

Having said that, I love this song. Mark and I listened to this a lot during the summer we met. Our second "date" was a trip to a Fred Picnic and we spent a lot of hours in the car that summer, listening to Fred. This song in particular speaks to me and I love Fred's stories about Dar Williams' cover it. This little video is pretty cool. The fellow who made it did a really nice job on it I think.

So, yeah, happy February 14th everyone.

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