Monday, February 25, 2008

crusty snow

moon rising
Originally uploaded by Julep67
A lot of snow melted today. The sun was out a fair bit but I didn't get a chance to get outside until 4 p.m. At some point this afternoon I noticed that there were muddy patches on the lawn in front of our building. It was encouraging to see although, I think that the grass is gone. A few weeks ago, the snow removal guys brought a plow up on the lawn to widen the walkway and they took some sod with it.

It's good to see the snow slowly melting but that crusty snow is harsh. If you fall into it, you can really cut yourself. Last winter I did just that. I was getting into the car and I lost my footing and fell into the snowbank along the side of our driveway. I scraped my shin and my wrist enough to draw blood. Nasty mean snow.

We stayed up a little later than normal last night to watch some of the Oscar broadcast. I love Jon Stewart that much you see. I will deprive myself of sleep for his jokes. It's sad in a way. I can't say that I was surprised by much of what I saw last night but I was a little disappointed by two particular awards. I really hoped that Julie Christie would have won for her role in "Away From Her." I have nothing against the lovely french woman who won for "la vie en rose" but I really thought that Julie was amazing. Ruby Dee was another disappointment for me. I love her so much and I thought that her performance in "American Gangster" was great. I also am a fan of Tilda Swinton but to be honest, "Michael Clayton" didn't do much for me. Oh well, I guess it makes up for her not winning one for "Orlando" all those years ago.

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