Tuesday, February 05, 2008

concession street action

concession street action
Originally uploaded by Julep67
We're not really sure what was happening at Lansdowne and Concession last night but the fire department were involved. Tonight we drove by (as we do) on our way home and the place didn't seem fire damaged so I'm guessing it must have been something else, like a gas leak or other weirdness.

This house is a odd one. Last summer, I called it the "trailer park boys" house because the lads who were living in it had a giant flag of Nova Scotia hanging from the porch, as well as several items which looked like they could have been purchased a head shop. It's a stereotype I know but there you go.

The banners and flags came down before Christmas so there may be new tennants in the place. Either way, it didn't seem like much damage had happened and I didn't hear today that anyone had been hurt so that's something.

I did read some rather disturbing stuff in the paper today though. A girl I went all through school with, died in the summer of 2006. She'd been having some trouble with drugs and she died under suspicious circumstances. Today in the paper, they ran an article about a man they charged in connection with her death. He plead guilty to negligence causing death. Apparently, she'd asked to be taken to the hospital and the guy didn't do it. Reading the account of her final weeks in the paper made me feel sad and angry. I know that she wasn't perfect but she didn't really deserve to be left like she was, no one does. 38 years old is way too young to die, no matter what the circumstances of your life.

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