Tuesday, May 03, 2005

rollin' rollin' rollin' **

Things are rolling right along with the house. It's official, it's SOLD!! We signed the paperwork last night. What a great feeling.

We had accepted two conditional offers on our place. The first one expired at 6 p.m. last night, the second was set to expire at 7 p.m. At 2 p.m. yesterday, Mark called to tell me that the first offer had fallen through. This was good news to us. As nice as the first couple seemed, their offer was $5K less than the second offer. We actually ended up making more than our asking price. It's so weird. I never thought that we'd be in this position but I'm really happy that we are.

Almost everything is sorted out as far as the move goes. Since our meeting with the real estate agent yesterday afternoon, I've sorted our insurance, the movers, the cable and sent some stuff off to our bank. All that is left is arranging for the phone and utilities to move and to double check that everything is going well with our lawyer. Fortunately, most of the house is already packed up so the rest of it will be easy peasy.

What a long couple of weeks it's been. I don't know how folks cope with this kind of stuff for months and months.

In other news, I found a $5 bill in our yard this morning as we left for work. Also, we saw the Hitchhikers movie on Sunday. As a movie, I enjoyed it. Aspects of it were very loyal to the book. Other parts of it, not so much, in my opinion anyway. Overall, I thought it was good but I don't think that it will inspire folks to run to the books.

** Mark's a happy boy. They have started showing Rawhide on the Lonestar channel. He loved the show when he was a little boy. I don't think it holds up at all but he's been enjoying the bits he's seen recently.

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