Wednesday, September 29, 2004

the brightness

There are several things that I really love about this time of the year. The colours of the trees in autumn are just gorgeous to me. Having to dig out old favourite sweaters to snuggle in on a chilly day is not so bad either. One of the things I like best though is the brightness. This morning, when I was driving Mark to work at 5 a.m., the moon was insanely bright. I thought that our flood light was on when I stood in the driveway but it was actually the moon. Amazing.

Just now, when I popped up (and outside) to get my lunch out of the kitchen, I noticed that the sun is crazily bright today too. The air is so clean and clear and the sky is cloudless. When I walked into the building from outside, I was blinking for several seconds, trying to focus. The sun was that bright, it was very neat.

One thing that made me smile today: Just now, as I was walking back to my desk, I noticed that there was a chestnut in the corner, near the door to our office. Our offices are in the basement of an old building. We actually have our own entrance to the building, underneath a veranda. Anyway, some silly squirrel has probably put the chestnut there for safe-keeping. A couple of years ago, I found one in a hanging plant in my back garden and another on top of the gas meter at the side of our house. It really amuses me that they think these are safe places to hide food. It shouldn't, but it does. Squirrels really are dumb.

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