Thursday, July 10, 2003

This morning has evaporated like so much Carnation milk.

I don't know where it went. I came into the office at 7:45 this morning and it's now after 12. Like *snap* that!

The week's actually gone that way. Fortunately, the humidity broke the other day and it's been absolutely gorgeous here. When the weather is super hot and humid, it's almost impossible to function, for me anyway.

I'm looking forward to the weekend although I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing. At some point, I'll be doing laundry, and probably going to the grocery store...but other than that, I'm not planning much. I'm hoping that the weather stays like this because I'd love to be outside this weekend. I'm not much for being outside when it's hot and gross outside but in this weather, I love it.

And just because I was curious, here's another quiz:
Old. You'll have a long (happy?) life and you'll
die at a very elderly age. Like 80 or
something. Nothing to roll your eyes at, eh?
Probably from a disease or something. You
wanted to die young, because you're a bit of a
slug and don't have many goals, but you never
get what you want.

At what age will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla

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