Friday, March 31, 2023

Finally Friday - Love For Sale

Talking Heads - True Stories
I often have difficulty sleeping. I have no trouble falling asleep, but it's a challenge for me to stay asleep. Typically this happens a few times a week. This week, it's been going on every night, and I'm worn out. Bone tired and quite brain-dead are the feelings of the day today.

Hopefully, it will stop soon, and I'll get some much-needed rest. It feels like as the month winds down, I'm winding down too, like a clock or something. I know I'm not making sense; I guess that's the point. I'm pooped.

I'm pretty relieved that it's Finally Friday. Today's Finally Friday song is one I heard last night, for the first time in a good long while, and it instantly perked me up and made me feel just a bit less sleepy. "Love for Sale" by Talking Heads was released on their 1986 album, "True Stories." 

Due to my exhaustion, I'll not say much more than I really do love this song. I hope you like it too. Also, if you're looking for a fun movie to watch this weekend, check out "True Stories." You won't be disappointed, I promise.

Happy weekend kiddos xo

So leave the driving to us
And it's the real thing
And you're rolling
In the blender
With me

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