Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Because It's Tuesday - week of March 7

Strike Up The Band
Well, did you all survive the storm over the weekend? I could not believe how much snow we got around here on Friday night. I think that there was pretty close to 30 cm in my yard. It was so heavy too, perfect snow man snow, nightmare shoveling snow. Of course, yesterday, about half of it melted in the sunshine. March weather is the weirdest.

About a year ago, singer Michael Feinstein released "Gershwin Country." It's a collection of songs from the George and Ira Gershwin songbook performed as duets by Michael and folks like Lyle Lovett (Clap Yo' Hands), Dolly Parton (Love Is Here To Stay) and Alison Krauss (Someone To Watch Over Me).

Because it's Tuesday (and I always share a cover on Tuesdays), I'm sharing a song from "Gershwin Country": I've Got A Crush On You, featuring one of my favourite singer songwriters, Rosanne Cash. Interesting tidbit, this tune was introduced almost 100 years ago, in 1930's "Strike Up The Band."

I first discovered Michael Feinstein in the late 1980's. I was in my early 20's and was delving into the songs of the Gershwin brothers for the first time. I found a copy of his "Pure Gershwin" album and fell down into a rabbit hole of early 20th century pop music. From there, I followed his career and picked up his records whenever he had a new release. I will also be thankful for him introducing me to "Rhode Island Is Famous For You" (New Jersey gives us glue...) and "Shall We Join The Ladies" (yes, do let's join the ladies and make one great big lady...") back in the day. 

I chose this track because of the beautiful vocals. I love how Michael and Rosanne sing together. It's super fun and gorgeous and basically wonderful. I think so anyway.

I hope you enjoy it. Happy Tuesday kittens xo

Could you coo?
Could you care for a cunning cottage we could share?
The world will pardon my mush
'Cause I have got a crush, my baby, on you

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