Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Way Back Wednesday - Before The Next Tear Drop Falls

This week's Way Back Wednesday song is another 1970s country classic. This time, I'm sharing "Before The Next Tear Drop Falls" by the incredible Freddy Fender (and hold for my Uncle Rodney's joke about Betty Bumper....). Seriously though, growing up in the 70s, Freddy Fender was a BIG DEAL in my house, and hearing this sweet and sad song always takes me back to that time. 

Written by Vivian Keith and Ben Peters in 1967, it was a massive hit for Freddy Fender (Number 1 in Canada, the US and Australia). It had been recorded by many other artists before Mr. Fender released it in 1975.

It's been a little over seven weeks since my dad died. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't struggling with that loss daily. I know that in time, it'll get easier; the good memories will make me smile and laugh, and I'll move past the trauma we experienced during those last 10 days of my dad's life. Until that happens, though, I just muddle along in the best way I can, accepting that some days will be spent feeling the weight of grief on my shoulders.  

Today, I will try to focus on those sunny childhood days and remember trying to sing along with the Spanish parts of today's song (and failing spectacularly) and try to smile.

Si te quiere de verdad
Y te da felicidad
Te deseo lo más bueno pa' los dos
Pero si te hace llorar
A mé me puedes hablar
Y estaré contigo cuando triste estás

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