Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Because It's Tuesday - week of March 14

Happy Pi Day, everyone (March 14 = 3.14). Not sure how you celebrate in your house, but there are many options to be had, including:

1. Reciting Pi to 314 places
2. Eating Pie (sweet or savoury)
3. Throwing Pies at each other
4. Misc. other pie-related activities (aka you do you)

Now, today is Tuesday, so I'm sharing a cover today. Our tune de jour (Kiss Like A Nun) was originally recorded by the UK punk band, The Boys for their eponymous 1977 album. I'd like you to listen to (and enjoy) an awesome version by The Smugglers. You'll see that the selection I've linked to is from their 1993 Tattoo Dave split 7" (with the mighty Victoria band, Bum). After you've listened to Kiss Like a Nun, you can listen to the rest of the 7" - the all-star jam performance of "Hang Fire" is excellent!

You look so bold
You act so cool
So tell me why babe
When I'm kissing you
You kiss like a nun just like a nun

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