Thursday, May 09, 2019

Cancon Thursday - War On The East Coast

Happy Thursdays kids.

It's supposed to rain today but I hope the forecast is wrong.  It's been a wet, cold spring around here.  We have had one or two days of sunny weather but I would be happy to have a few more.

The New Pornographers - Brill BruisersLast night, as I was pulling onto my street, the song I'm sharing today started playing in the van.  I had to sit in my driveway to finish listening to it because for me, it's one of those songs that must be listened to in it's entirety.

On Thursdays, I always share a  "Cancon" song.  Today's band is a super group of sorts and the membership includes folks from both north and south of the border but I always think of them as being Canadian. My pick today is War on the East Coast by the New Pornographers from their 2014 album Brill Bruisers.  I honestly thought that I'd shared it here before but I can't find a post about it so I may not have. 

In any event, I'm sharing it today because it's a great song.  Hope you enjoy War On The East Coast kiddos...stay dry today if you can xo

Blondes, brunettes, paper jets
Blondes, brunettes, paper jets
Star power, star power
The king bent over to smell a flower

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