Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Way Back Wednesday - Digging Your Scene

It's been my observation that in general, folks don't listen to enough of the Blow Monkeys.

Goodness knows that in the 80's, I did my share of listening, probably more than average but then things happened and I didn't listen to them as much as I probably should have done.  They always make me feel good so why I ever stopped keeping them in my regular rotation is beyond me.

Having said that, a few years ago I started to add them back in and it made me smile.  So, for Way Back Wednesday, I'm sharing an old song by The Blow Monkeys, "Digging Your Scene" from their terrific 1986 record, Animal Magic. The song's subject matter was pretty topical when it was released.  "Digging Your Scene" addresses the prejudice and ignorance experienced by individuals who were living with HIV and AIDS.

I would urge you to put on your dancing shoes, listen to this song (which despite the serious topic is fun to dance to), bop around the room and kick your Wednesday off with an excellent tune in your ear.  Stay cool kittens xo

What in the world is this feeling
To catch a breath and leave me reeling
It'll get you in the end, its god's revenge

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