Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Way Back Wednesday - If It's Love

On Way Back Wednesdays, I always share an older tune with you.  Typically, it's got to be at least 20 years before I'll consider posting it.  Today's song, I was surprised to realize is now 30 years old.  It doesn't feel like it's possible for it to be that old as it's a song I listen to pretty regularly and it doesn't sound dated at all.  As I'm discovering as I age, time passes quickly and so, if you do the math, it totally adds up that the Squeeze album, Frank (released in 1989) is now 30 years old.

I don't think I have ever met a Squeeze song that I didn't like.  The song I'm sharing today, "If It's Love" was the first single from Frank. It's very typically Squeeze-y, catchy, fun... the kind of song you find yourself dancing around the kitchen to (or really any room I suppose, just watch out for the furniture, bruised shins are no fun!).

Hope that listening to this today inspires you to take a trip down the Squeeze rabbit hole and explore their whole discography.  If you're a fan of pop music and aren't already familiar with Squeeze, buckle up and enjoy. 

Happy Hump Day kittens xo

If it's love that would really explain it
How I feel like I'm covered in wool
If it's love then it's really exciting
My diary's become very full
If it's love does it matter, if I'm thin or I'm fatter
If it's love then it feels like I've won the pools

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