Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Way Back Wednesday - Kiss me on the Bus

The other day, a heard a Bash & Pop song, for the first time in a really long time.  After listening to "Tiny Pieces" I decided that it had been way too long since I'd spent some time with The Replacements.  I couldn't remember the last time I'd deliberately listened to them and I ended up spending a good chunk of the day with them in my headphones while I was working.

In the old days, I listened to the Replacements, a lot.  Weren't they actually everyone's favourite band at some point?  (I'm pretty sure that the answer is yes for folks of a certain vintage)  So, today, for Way Back Wednesday, I'm going to share their performance of "Kiss Me On The Bus" from an Old Grey Whistle Test broadcast in 1986.

After you've listened to this, I would suggest pulling out your old copy of Tim and take a great stroll down memory lane.

Enjoy kittens xo

Kiss me on the bus
Kiss me on the bus
Oh if you knew how I felt now
You wouldn't act so adult now
Hurry, hurry, here comes my stop

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