Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Way Back Wednesday - Hoover Dam

Sugar - Copper BlueOnce again, it's Way Back Wednesday.  One of the cool things about getting old, I've recently realized, is that all of the songs I loved in my 20's are now qualifying for my Way Back Wednesday posts.  Now, I could always change the criteria, say that I'm going to post songs which are 5 years old (or older) but the 20 year and older thing is working well for me at the moment.

Today's oldie but a super fucking goodie tune is from Sugar's debut album, 1992's Copper Blue.  In 2012, the album was reissued.  That same year, this live version was recorded and I'm sharing it with you today, it's Bob Mould with Jason Narducy and Jon Wurster (the original line up was Mould, David Barbe and Malcolm Travis).  It's a great version and is still a really great song. I recently listened to Copper Blue again for the first time in a really really long time and had totally forgotten how much I'd loved that record.  So sweet!

Hope you enjoy it kiddos, happy hump day!! xo

Covered up with lava and I feel fine
It washes over me
Keeps me feeling warm at night
And if you've made a deal with
The guy with the horns and the cape
I'll see you later later

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