Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Way Back Wednesday - Crystal Blue Persuasion

For today's Way Back Wednesday song, I'm sharing a tune which was briefly (1 week) at the top of the charts in Canada during the summer of 1969.

I was a toddler when this song was released but as a child I recall hearing it on the radio a lot and I always associated it with summer (and not meth like some folks do).  It's a really steamy and hot day here (so far, it's only early at the moment) so I thought I'd share a classic summer song with you, "Crystal Blue Persuasion" by Tommy James and the Shondells.

When I went looking for some information about the song I was surprised (kinda) by how many movies and tv shows the song has been featured in.  The only one I really remembered (and it was sort of fitting given the subject matter) hearing it in was Breaking Bad.  It's kind of cool how a song which celebrated it's 50th birthday this year is still being enjoyed in all kinds of interesting places.

Hope you enjoy it... happy Hump Day kids xo

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