Thursday, July 11, 2019

Cancon Thursday - Sweet City Woman

Summer weather is here, it's hot, hazy and humid.  Pretty typical stuff for this time of the year in this part of the world.

Days like the ones we have been having just recently make me (and maybe you too) feel super lazy.  Like, I can think of nothing better than to be floating on a lake somewhere.  Unfortunately, for me, that's not an option at the moment so I'll head off to work this morning and try not to be distracted too much by thoughts of floaties and freezies.

One thing I can do is make a list of summer songs.  As today is Thursday, I'm sharing a Canadian song and it's a pretty perfect summer tune.  I remember when I was a little kid, hearing this on the radio a lot (and from the record player at my nana's house) during summer visits to Smiths Falls.

My cancon pick today is "Sweet City Woman" by the Stampeders.  It was released in the spring of 1971 and spent 4 weeks at No. 1 that year.  It's one of those songs that you just want to sing along with even if you don't know the lyrics.  It's led by a banjo, it's a got a fun bassline and references macaroons.  What more can you ask for?  I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.  Let me know what your favourite Canadian summer song is and perhaps I'll share it here in a future post.

Happy Thursday kiddos xo

Like a country mornin', all snuggled in dew
Ah she's got a way to make a man feel shiny and new
And she sing in the evenin', oh familiar tunes
And she feeds me love and tenderness and macaroons

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