Friday, July 26, 2019

Not Guilty Just Pleasure - Do The Trick

It's Friday.  It's Summer.  It's just about as beautiful day (from a weather perspective anyway) that you're likely to see at this time of the year.

As it's a beautiful summer day, I'm going to share a song with you all by a band I have spent a lot of time listening to this week.  My "not guilty just pleasure" pick this week is
"Do the trick" by Dr. Dog (from their 2012 album Be The Void).  This is one of those songs which, when I heard it for the first time, I just loved.  It's catchy and fun, the video is ridiculously awesome (and if you like Star Wars, well, you'll probably enjoy it whether or not you care about the song) and I just love the line, "long since run out of wick."  The song has a simply melody and lots of "oohs" and several "aaah" which I always enjoy.  Also, for your information, I'm a gigantic fan of hand claps in songs but that's not really relevant at the moment.

Give it a listen.  If you like it, Dr. Dog have a lot of other really good stuff you might like as well.  Happy Friday kittens xo

I burnt the candle on every side
Long since run out of wick
Will you be my flame tonight?
Will you do the trick?

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