Thursday, January 24, 2019

Cancon Thursday - Wendy Under The Stars

There are certain events that when they happen, they are seared into your memory and you can recall everything about the moment.

For me, I can recall exactly what I was doing and where I was when I heard about the Challenger explosion, the planes flying into the twin towers on September 11, when I learned that Reid Diamond, Joe Strummer, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, John Candy, Jim Henson and John Hughes had died (obviously not the same day). Even though I was only 10 at the time, I also recall vividly where I was when I learned that Elvis Presley had passed away.

My family was visiting Smith Falls.  We had been out somewhere (that I don't remember specifically) and had returned to my grandmother's house on Jasper Avenue.  My brother and I raced into the living room to turn on the TV.  The TV was tuned to channel 7 (WWNY in Watertown) and the CBS news was on.  Roger Mudd was filling in for everyone's favourite and most trusted news dude, Walter Cronkite.  He told us that the Elvis was dead and we grabbed my mother (a mid-level Elvis fan, she had some of his records and one of her favourite movies was "Blue Hawaii") to share the news with her.  It seemed so strange that it was almost hard to believe that it was true but it was.

In other news, it's Thursday, which means it's Cancon day.  Here is a little bit of Canadian pop/rock awesomeness from Odds... Wendy Under The Stars (and be warned, it's the original with the f-word in it).  Enjoy xo

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