Friday, June 22, 2018

Not Guilty, Just Pleasure - Oh My

As regular readers know, on Fridays, I share songs which have really got grip on my ear.  Sometimes the songs are new, often they are just new to me.  This week's song is of the "new to me" variety.

Last week, an old friend of mine sent me the link to the video I'm sharing today.  He thought I might like it and he was right.  I watched the video on my phone and immediately threw it onto my stereo.  I lost count of how many times I listened to it but, let's say it was a few more than "several." I was completely unfamiliar with Camino 84 (and the vocalist is Sidney Gish, another artist I knew nothing about before hearing this clip).  Down the rabbit hole I went, thank you internet.  Both of these very talented young folks are worth checking out.

Funny thing is, I had a pretty shitty week.  I don't have them very often but last week was just a bit crappier than it should/could have been and I was feeling pretty dragged out and down.  Hearing the opening beats of this song lifted my spirits.  So weird, I'm not just saying that.  I actually felt lighter inside. It didn't undo the shit week but it did certainly pull me out of my blue funk for a bit.  That's what I love about music, it can feed your soul, just when you need it the most.

I hope this brings you as much joy as it did me.  Sending you all much love and happy weekend wishes kids xo

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