Friday, June 29, 2018

Not Guilty, Just Pleasure - In The Sink

In the 1990's there were a lot of really fun and awesome bands from Eastern Canada around. I mean, there are still lots of folks from the East making music but in the 1990's, it felt kind of special and extra fun. Lots of bands from the maritimes played in Kingston at the time and my friends and I used to go see them all.  One of my favourite East Coast bands was/is Plumtree.

Even in the 1990's, I felt about a million years older than the ladies in Plumtree but I really enjoyed their songs.  I think they had a broad appeal to music fans of all ages.  I loved that they were young women making great music, touring, recording, inspiring other young women and girls to make music too.  This song, In the Sink, has always been a lovely ear worm for me (and yes, an ear worm that is perfectly clean).

Hope you can start your Canada Day long weekend off with a little Plumtree Dance party!! Enjoy xo

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