Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Way Back Wednesday - Boat to Bolivia

My hope is that my song selection this week will not cause anyone undo harm (I received some interesting feedback about last Wednesday's choice - apparently you don't have to actually hear a song you aren't crazy about for it to become an annoying ear worm - sorry Dan!).

So my Way Back Wednesday song again goes back to the 1980's.

I'll make no apologies for posting so many songs from that decade.  I turned 13 in 1980 so my personal Way Back Machine stops in that era a lot.  In fact, if you're a fan of the 1980's, please let me know.  I'd love to hear what songs from that decade still make you smile, tap your foot or dance around your living room.  Perhaps we have a shared tune and I'll post it at a later time.

Admittedly, I was a band wagon jumper-on-er when it comes to Martin Stephenson and the Daintees.  I bought their first couple of albums and then lost interest (or just got distracted... ).  Either way, the first time I heard "Boat to Bolivia" I was hooked.  I think my first introduction to the song was seeing the video (the very one I'm sharing today) on Much Music.  I like the tune, always a sucker for a sweet pop song. The video is a very 80's looking clip, lots of stone washed denim, quite laid back, not particularly memorable but the song, I always liked this song.

I hope you enjoy this little slice of forgettable, but still enjoyable, 80's musical pie. Happy Wednesday xo

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