Saturday, December 01, 2007


Originally uploaded by Julep67
I love a lazy Saturday. This is the second weekend in a row that I have been able to indulge myself by doing absolutely nothing all day on a Saturday.

We never left the house all day. Well, that's not entirely true, Mark stepped out onto the front porch when a friend popped by to pick up a birthday gift that we made for his wife. Other than that though, we stayed home. It was so nice. It was also pretty necessary.

Something Mark ate last night upset his stomach and he was up a fair bit in the night last night. He had planned to work a bit today but I let him sleep in (to make up for him being up for half of the night) and then refused to let him go out. He didn't resist too much.

Tomorrow will not be so lazy. I have some housework that I need to deal with, stuff I avoided doing today. I'm actually not dreading it though, part of what I want to do tomorrow involves moving all of the living room furniture around so I can clean the room properly and get my christmas lights up. The tree may have to wait until later in the week though because Bella has a bad habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She's cute but she can get in the way sometimes.

Frankly, if I don't have to leave the house tomorrow too, that won't hurt my feelings. There is a winter storm watch happening in this region right now and I'm in now big hurry to go anywhere outside of my house if I don't have to.

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