Friday, February 21, 2020

Not Guilty Just Pleasure - Peace To All Freaks

Even though it's technically been a short work week this week, it's felt very long. I think that's
because we've been moving offices (well yesterday and today). The beginning of the week was filled with packing and trying to get regular tasks completed with half of your stuff in boxes.

I'm one of the lucky ones, I got into my space yesterday toward the end of the day. I was there long enough to get my computer set up and sort of figure out my new desk. Lots of stuff still sits behind me in boxes but I'm going to take my time and really go through stuff as I unpack it. I didn't think I had that much but I'm going into a space (which is bright and lovely) with significantly less storage than my previous spot. I'll figure it out but it's been a bit tiring, not to mention dusty!!

Today, my not guilty, just pleasure song is by the wonderful Of Montreal. I'm sharing their recently (November 2019) song, "Peace To All Freaks" because I just love it, LOVE IT!! I hope you do too, now, you'll have to excuse me while I try to find my post-it notes!!

Happy Friday kittens xo

Hush, hush
Don't let's be negative
Hush, hush
Don't let's be cruel, oh
Hush, hush
I don't think that I
Can do it for myself
But I can do it for us

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