Friday, February 28, 2020

Not Guilty Just Pleasure - Circle The Drain

Happy Friday folks.

We've made it to the end of the week. Actually, we have made it to (almost - cuz leap year) to the end of the month. Was it just me or did February feel like it was 546 years long this year? Either way, March is almost here. I love the beginning of March because March 1 is my nana's birthday.

When I was a little girl, and I watched Captain Kangaroo, he would always have a birthday cake on the show on the first of every month, to wish everyone who was celebrating that month, a happy birthday. I was convinced that it was just for my nana. She's been gone since 1997 but I still think about her daily and miss her like crazy.

Today, I'm sharing a song by one of my favourites, Soccer Mommy. "Circle The Drain" was released earlier this year. Sophie Allison and band have a new album out today which is super exciting. As you know if you read these pages regularly, I've been a tiny bit obsessed with Soccer Mommy since stumbling upon "Clean" on bandcamp. Sophie's lyrics are really relate-able. This song in particular is one I think many folks can identify with at least once in a while. I hope you enjoy Circle The Drain and, if you do, go pick up a copy of their new Color Theory album.

Also, she recently broke the song down for Song Exploder so you should probably check that out too!!

Happy Friday kittens xo

I'm trying to seem strong for my love
For my family and friends
But I'm so tired of faking
'Cause I'm chained to my bed when they're gone
Watching TV alone
'Til my body starts aching
And I think there's a mold in my brain
Spreading down all the way
Through my heart and my body
'Cause I cling to the dark of my room
And the days thin me out
Or just burn me straight through

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