Thursday, February 28, 2019

Cancon Thursday - War On The East Coast

Well we made it to the last day of February.

That was a slog huh?? And that snow last night didn't really make me jump for joy.  In fact, it made me a bit nuts.  I had two people (two different incidents) walk in front of my vehicle and was almost creamed by a guy making a left turn while I was going straight (I had the right of way but he didn't seem to be bothered by that).  Ordinarily those things aren't a big deal. Yesterday however, it was really cold and it was snowing while this was happening.  The cold roads plus winds plus quickly accumulating snow made for tricky conditions.  I was a very happy kid when I finally got home.

So today, the sun is shining, the roads are plowed... it's still cold but it's manageable and spring is around the corner.


...and it's Thursday so I'm going to share a Canadian tune with you lovely folks.  The song I'm sharing with you today has been stuck in my head for a couple of days.  Not sure why but it has.  It's a pretty good earworm, as earworms go, maybe you'll get it stuck in your head too.  There are literally thousands of songs which are worse than this one for sticking in your head...

So, yeah, the song.  It's the second single from The New Pornographers fantastic 2014 album, Brill Bruisers. That's right kids, I'm sharing the video for War On The East Coast with you today.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do and if you get it stuck in your head, well, first of all, you're welcome and second...let me know, promise?  thanks!! xo

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