Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Because It's Tuesday - week of February 19

When I was ten years old, Elvis Presley died.

The death of the "king of rock'n'roll" was a big deal in our house.  My mum was a pretty big Elvis fan.  Now, she wasn't one of those ladies who would make pilgrimages to Memphis and she never made us dress up in sequins but she had a number of his records and we grew up watching his movies whenever they would show up on television.

In particular, my mum and dad loved Blue Hawaii.  I can't remember anything about the plot (but I suspects it was boy-meets-girl-boy-loses-girl-boy-win-back-girl) but the scenery was beautiful and we heard a lot of the soundtrack in our house.  One of the most popular songs from the film would have to be "Can't Help Falling In Love With You."

Over the years, it's been covered a bunch of times.  The cover I'm going to share with you today is by Kina Grannis.  I heard it last fall when I saw "Crazy Rich Asians."  Her voice is very pretty and it's a lovely version of a song you've probably heard a bazillion times.  So, here you go, for your Tuesday Cover, Kina Grannis singing "Can't Help Falling In Love With You."

enjoy xo

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