Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Because It's Tuesday - week of February 5

How is February treating you so far?

My month started out much better than last month did but, considering how awful January began for me, just about anything would be considered an improvement.  So far, this month is leaps and bounds better than last month was and we're only 5 days in.

So it's Tuesday, which means I'm sharing a cover with you today.  As many folks know, and I understand that this is difficult for many music fans to believe and understand, I've never been a huge fan of Bob Dylan.  I absolutely respect what he has done, who he is, his contributions to music and culture over the last 50 some years but I was never one to sit down and listen to an album of his in it's entirety. Not sure why, people who are very close to me are massive fans of Bob.  I feel like I should be too but I'm not, c'est la vie...

The song I'm sharing with you today is, I believe, not one that was ever officially released on an album in North America (unless you count the Bootleg Series).  It was released as a single but didn't do very well.  About 10 years ago, some artists got together and recorded a "Subterranean Homesick Blues: A Tribute To Bob Dylan's Bringing It All Back Home."  The Morning Benders and Julie Doiron were on it and so was J. Tillman.  Mr Tillman's contribution was a beautiful (imho) version of "If You Gotta Go, Go Now."  I'm sharing that cover with you today. The lad in the song is not being a lunk head, in fact, he's being very sensitive and sweet when he asks his lady friend to stay with him, if she'd like to.  I hope you enjoy it xo

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