Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Way Back Wednesday - Range Life

It occurred to me this week that the greatest valentine that ever was turns 25 next week.  That's right, Pavement's "Crooked Rain Crooked Rain" was released on February 14, 1994.  It's now officially old enough to rent a car (not sure if it has a drivers' license or a credit card but in theory it could totally rent a car).

I'm in my 50's now.  I find myself, from time to time, feeling surprised that I can say, "well I haven't seen so & so in 30 years." I don't feel like it's possible for that much time to have passed and inside, I don't feel any different now than I did in my 20's (well that's not entirely true, I feel wiser and kinder).  And today, as I think about "Crooked Rain Crooked Rain" turning 25, I just feel happy and grateful for the memories that watching this video for "Range Life" stirs up...

Also, in general, I'm happy that I'm still here and am able to remember stuff that happened in my life 20, 25, 30+ years ago.  I know that many folks don't get that privilege. I'm also working really hard at focusing on the good things in my life and looking for lessons in the bad things that happen.  Like I said, wiser and kinder...

I hope you enjoy this little snapshot of awesomeness from Pavement xo

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