Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Way Back Wednesday - Heaven Knows

Disco was pretty huge when we were growing up in the 70's.  I mean, country music was big, rock music was big, it was a BIG decade for music in general.

Because I was a kid during the 70's, because I was a kid who loved music in the 70's, I often received records for birthday and Christmas gifts and sometimes they would be those compilation albums which were advertised incessantly on television.  A couple of the compilations I received were of disco tunes.  Some of the stuff I didn't care much for but Donna Summer, I loved her voice.  I remember one compilation we had called "Hot Stuff" (it was a yellow sleeve with red letters on it) had a Donna Summer song on it.  The record was not a disco album, it was more of a top hits thing.  In addition to Donna Summer it had Sammy Johns, The Amazing Rhythm Aces, Hot Chocolate and Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds on it.  Now, you might guess that the Donna Summer tune "hot stuff" would be on this record but you'd be wrong.  The album "Bad Girls" had not yet been released and Donna Summer song featured was "love to love you baby."

After hearing that, I was an instant fan of hers, the second record I ever bought with my own money was "Bad Girls." My dad took me to the mall and when my mum saw it, well she wasn't too impressed to see her 12 year old daughter listening to a record with women portrayed on the cover as prostitutes...

So, today, for Way Back Wednesday, I'm going to share one of my favourite Donna Summer songs, "Heaven Knows."  This live performance with Joe Esposito & Brooklyn Dreams is really really good.  I mean, the quality of the video isn't great but that doesn't diminish the performance at all.  Her voice was incredible and I'm so grateful for all of the wonderful music she left us with.

Happy Humpday kiddies xo

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