Friday, February 22, 2019

Not Guilty Just Pleasure - Let The Mystery Be

Iris DeMent.  She's a gem.  I could listen to her sing the phone book, seriously.  Iris, if you're reading this, record yourself singing some of the phone book and I will listen to it, I'll share it here.  Her voice is just fantastic.

So, as today is not guilty just pleasure day, I'm sharing a favourite song of mine.  I've always loved the lyrics to "Let The Mystery Be."  Today, as I write this, my heart is so heavy from receiving some sad news that the mother of a good friend of mine passed away last night.

Her mother was quite elderly and had been ill for a while but it's always such a shock whenever some passes away.  It's so final. You'll never ever get to see their smile or hear their voice again and you'll miss them forever and ever.  I think particularly when you lose your mother (and thankfully I have no personal reference for this) you feel untethered.  The person who (if you're lucky) nurtured you, gave you life, loved you unconditionally, protected you and accepted you, was your greatest cheerleader and biggest fan is no longer there. My heart breaks for them, I wish I could take away the sorrow that she and her siblings are experiencing right now.  As I know from my own personal experience with grief, you never really get over a loss like this but you do get through it, somehow.

So, on that note, I'm going to share Iris DeMent and "Let The Mystery Be" with you today.  If your mum is still around, track her down this weekend and give her a big hug xo

Everybody's wonderin' what and where they they all came from
Everybody's worryin' 'bout where they're gonna go
When the whole thing's done
But no one knows for certain
And so it's all the same to me
I think I'll just let the mystery be

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