Friday, September 28, 2018

Not Guilty, Just Pleasure - I'm Every Woman

It's been a rough week.

Yesterday, watching (well listening, I was at work) Dr Christine Blasey Ford give her testimony in the final confirmation hearing of Judge Kavanaugh, was harrowing to say the least.  It was difficult to hear her relive her ordeal for the goodness only knows "th" time since July.

@GlennonDoyle tweeted, "They know he’s lying. They know she’s telling the truth. It doesn’t matter to them. They don’t care." She's right, they don't.  They want their guy on the bench and don't give a flying poo what he may have done in the past.  It's disgraceful but, unfortunately, not shocking in 2018 in the USA.

I believe women when they come forward with allegations like this.  To put yourself (and your loved ones) through an ordeal like this for a lie, well no one would do that.  She's obviously telling the truth and was clearly traumatized by it.  Like all survivors, this is something that she will carry with her forever. It's changed who she is.  How could it not?  I also believe her when she says she came forward because she felt it was her civic duty to do so, not to seek any financial gain from it.  She should have been able to do this privately, to be protected from those who would assault her again with their words and their threats.

For "not guilty, just pleasure" Friday, I wanted to share a song that I love (because Fridays are always about the love) and something that makes me so proud of all women.  I decided that Chaka Khan's classic, "I'm every woman" would fit.  It's empowering and inspiring and it makes me want to dance.  Listening to it just now, made me smile.  I hope it makes you smile too.  We really need to cherish the things in life that bring us joy and make us strong.

Thank you Dr Ford, Chaka, and women everywhere.  Please continue to support and love and most of all, believe one another, we're all in this together xo

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