Wednesday, November 09, 2005

autumn sunrise

autumn sunrise
Originally uploaded by Julep67.
This morning, as I walked into the kitchen to wash out my coffee mug and get ready for work, I noticed a weird pink glow creeping across the room. I looked toward the window and then ran for my camera. I was lucky to get outside and snap a few photos before the pink glow disappeared.

It's true, that old saying about "red sky in the morning, sailors take warning..." It's been cold and rainy and miserable all day. Too bad that the day couldn't have stayed as beautiful as it was earlier. I'm just glad that I caught some of it with my camera.

Last night, I was looking through the list of numbers on our caller id and noticed that Mark's dork brother had called yesterday. He had last called in July and left a completely obscene and ignorant message on our voice mail. Mark returned the call and told him to never all our house again (this guy is a totaly headcase -- occasionally he'll call Mark's dad, 9 times out 10 he's looking for money, I tell you, this guy is a bum). At first I wasn't sure it was his number because his name didn't show up, only the number. I can't imagine that he intended to call us directly. He's such a moron, he probably forgot that Joe has a different phone number because, hello, he's living in a long term care facility!!

Speaking of Joe, I'll be seeing him in a few hours. When we can (weather and health permitting) we go out for dinner on Wednesday nights. Tonight, I'm not sure how much Joe will able to eat. He had a dentist appointment this afternoon and is getting a new tooth. Apparently, on the day his mother died, one of his front teeth just fell out. From the shock I suppose. When he went into the hospital in July, he lost the tooth and we're just now getting around to replacing it. I'm sure he'll feel better when he gets it, he's got a bit of an Alfred E. Newman thing happening right now. He is having a busy day today, he's supposed to have a haircut today too. Watch out ladies, he'll be a whole new guy!!

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