Thursday, February 23, 2023

Can Con Thursday - Not Happy

Jale - Dreamcake
Once again it's Thursday so, I'm sharing a song by a Canadian band. 

Alas, this particular Canadian band is no longer together but, for a few years in the 1990's, they did exist and made some great music. I only had the opportunity to see them once (here in Kingston, at the Toucan) and it was a great show. A little silly Jale trivia for you - Jale made their name up from the first letters of each of member's first name (Jennifer Pierce, Alyson MacLeod, Laura Stein and Eve Hartling).

Even though most of February (in our neck of the woods anyway) has felt a lot like March outside, we're in the middle of a whack of winter weather. The ice and cold has me thinking about spring and green things and dandelions and sunshine.

The video for Jale's "Not Happy" (aka today's song) contains green things and dandelions and sunshine. Nice! It's actually a really beautiful video and the song is awesome too. It's from their 1994 album, Dreamcake (their very first album), released on Sub Pop Records.

I hope watching the video and listening to the song warms you up and reminds you that spring is really just around the corner xo

Laying there upon your bed staring at the ceiling
A clock keeps ticking by your head its claiming every lonesome
Not alone
Not happy

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