Thursday, April 15, 2021

Cancon Thursday - What A Way To Run A Railroad

I'm starting to get back into the groove of posting here again and it feels kind of nice. I'll not say a lot more about that because in the recent past, whenever I think, "hey, I'm on a roll again!" I get side tracked and the groove disappears.

If you ever look at my instagram, you might have noticed that I've started posting photos from shows on throwback Thursdays. While I have definitely missed my friends and family during the past year and a bit, I have also found not going to shows to be really challenging. Online things have been great and I've felt good about being able to see some of my favourite artists perform and also support them with some cash but it's not the same.

Last night I went through an old photo album. I was looking for some particular pictures I wanted to post on IG. What a trip that was. Down the rabbit hole indeed. Not only did I find the shots I was looking for, I found a bunch of stuff that I had no idea I had. Looking through the album, I realized how lucky we were to have been able to see so many shows, in so many bars, clubs and halls, packed in like sardines sometimes. Shouting at each other (I'm sure sometimes speaking "moistly"), sweating on each other, dancing and generally fucking around together, enjoying the music and each other. Is that ever going to happen again? I mean, I know that live music will return but what will that look like? Even after we're all vaccinated, are we going to have to be in those Flaming Lips bubble things (a wonderful idea I think!)? Hopefully not, maybe one day we'll be able to be all squished together again, like we should be. For now, I'm just grateful for my photo albums and records and all of those memories.

So, because it's Cancon Thursday around here, I'm sharing a song by one of the greatest Canadian bands ever, Huevos Rancheros. Please do yourself a favour and check out "What A Way To Run A Railroad" from their amazing 1996 album, "Get Outta Dodge." 

Stay safe kids xo

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