Thursday, April 29, 2021

Cancon Thursday - Brunette Summer

Chixdiggit - Born on the first of July
How about them thunderstorms huh?? The other night, when the thunder started rumbling, I was deep into a book and thought that my neighbour was dragging wheelie bins up and down his driveway. Eventually I looked up and realized that a crazy storm was happening. Made me think of summer. I love wild storms in the summer, especially when you sit outside and watch them roaring across the sky.

So today is Thursday and that means I'm sharing a Canadian song. It's still spring and summer feels like it's still a long way away (it's not really!) but I'm sharing "Brunette Summer" by Chixdiggit. I love Chixdiggit and this song had summer in the title so it was a no-brainer. No-brainers are good for me right now because my brain is a bit foggy so I need to keep shit simple. If you haven't heard it, you really should pick up a copy of their great 1998 album, "Born on the first of July."

Hope you're staying home and being safe and washing your hands and wearing your masks now, so we can all get outside and run around in the rain this summer. Enjoy xo

I'm searching far and wide
To find a girl who will understand me
It's only been two months
And now I'm sitting here with Oprah Winfrey

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