Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Because it's Tuesday - week of April 20

Happy 420 to those of you who celebrate. I am sure that many of you who do celebrate it, also marked World Bicycle day yesterday - quite a big start to the week.

Today, April 20, is also the birthday of my lovely grandfather, Lawrence Shanks. He passed away in 1985 and I'll be forever grateful that he lived with us during the last few years of his life. Grandpa Shanks was a good man, a solid guy, one worthy of much love and respect and I have some wonderful memories of him. Happy Birthday Grandpa Shanks, we miss you.

Honestly, I'm feeling really fried at the moment. My work is really busy right now so I look forward to being able to recharge my batteries on the weekends. I spent the entire weekend feeling enraged by the Ontario government's announcement on Friday afternoon. It probably shouldn't have been shock to me that the Ford folks have no respect or regard for low income workers, for vulnerable communities across the province, for racialized communities... we can see what they are doing, they see these groups of people as disposable. To Ford and his cronies, somehow, the lives of these people are worth less than the lives of others. It's nauseating and infuriating and I feel frustrated and helpless by the absolutely preventable tragedy which has unfolded across the province.

On that note, I don't have a lot to say about music right now (although listening to it, instead of the CBC is probably the only thing keeping me sane at the moment). It's Tuesday though, so I'll share a cover. I hope you enjoy this great version of Sweet's 1974 hit "Fox On The Run" as performed by the Regrettes.

I - Don't Wanna Know Your Name
'Cause You Don't Look The Same
The Way You Did Before

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