Friday, April 12, 2019

Not Guilty Just Pleasure - Hold Yourself Up

Happy Friday.

If you were paying attention, you noticed that I didn't post a "not guilty just pleasure" song last week.  I had taken the day off and was sort of busy getting some stuff done, running around town and the like and it just never happened.  I thought about posting later in the weekend but again, the time got away from me and I didn't.  Not apologizing, just explaining.

Now a week has passed and I have a song to share today.  It's a song I have been going back to and listening to this week.  Like several times a day.  I have no idea why.  As with most Polyphonic Spree songs, I'm not sure what they are about.  Most of the time it doesn't matter, it's joyful and fun and sometimes that's all you need or want.

The video for this particular song (I think) is beautiful.  Now, I've watched it dozens of times and cannot tell what's going on to the main dude.  Did he die and go to heaven and dancing around in the barn with the Spree is a cool way to spend the afterlife... did he die and just realize that heaven is kind of boring, an empty field without a cute girl to chase to a party?  Either way, I like it.  I'd really love to see all of the footage of the performance in the barn, without the cutaways to the dude.

Over the past few weeks, I was going through some weird shit.  I'd been really sick about a month ago.  It lasted a few days and when it was over, I was still feeling crummy.  Night sweats, chills, nausea, weirdness.  Something happened over the weekend and I suddenly started to feel better.  Slept better, night sweats let up, chills were gone... all good.  No idea what was going on but I'll not question it or complain about it.

I do think that my feeling better and my seeking out this song (which I'm sure I've shared here before but I don't really care) is connected.  I love how they are telling us to hold ourselves up, go into your own mind to do that... don't rely upon a higher power, you are your higher power.  Oh, and bees.  Honey bees.

So, I'm sharing the video for "Hold Yourself Up" from the Polyphonic Spree's amazing 2013 Album, Yes, It's True.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do, happy weekend kittens xo

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