Friday, April 19, 2019

Not Guilty Just Pleasure - Everybody Here Hates You

Happy Holiday Friday.

I'll not say "good" Friday even though technically that is why I am home today in my pjs (at the moment) and not at work at my desk.  As an atheist, this is not my holiday weekend but I like to sleep in and have a day off as much at the next person so I'll take it, thanks.

If the warnings are to be believed, we're supposed to be getting some very crazy rain today.  At the moment, it hasn't started yet.  The birds I can see from here are not freaking out so maybe it won't happen.  It would be nice to not have a soggy long weekend.  I'll keep my fingers crossed for a little bit this morning and see what happens.

As far as music goes, and that is why we are all here, I'm sharing a song with you today by an artist I have shared here before.  I share because I totally love her, I love her band, I love her voice, I love her songs.  She is an amazingly talented songwriter and I'm always happy to see what she's upto.

If you hadn't figured it out yet, I'm talking about Courtney Barnett.  This week, I'm sharing her new video for "Everybody Here Hates You."  I hope you enjoy it.  I also hope we can all stay dry this weekend, wouldn't that be nice?

Enjoy kiddos xo

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