Well kiddies, looks like we've almost made it out of April in once piece.
This has been a rough month for a lot of folks. In particular, I'm thinking about all of the people who are dealing with the flooding. It's just been so awful to watch from a distance, I can only imagine how terrible it must feel to watch your home filling up with water.
I'm keeping my fingers, eyes and legs crossed that May is nicer to us than April was. When I think about it, that shouldn't be tough to have happen.
So, once again it's Tuesday. On Tuesdays, I share a cover and I'm doing that today. The song I'm going to share with you today was a favourite of mine when I was a toddler. Yes, that's right, a toddler. One of my first memories of television was watching the Jackson 5 cartoon on Saturday mornings. The Osmonds had one too I think but mostly I remember the Jackson 5 and the Groovie Ghoulies (yes, there was a cartoon before there was a band). Anyway, I loved the Jackson 5 and probably my first crush (when I was 4 or 5 years old) was on 12 year old Michael Jackson.
The version of their hit, "I Want You Back" I'm posting is by the Civil Wars. Many of us miss them and were saddened when they broke up. I love the simplicity of this video... it's bittersweet and a beautiful version of a classic pop song.
Trying to live without your love is one long sleepless night Let me show you, girl, that I know wrong from right Every street you walk on, I leave tear stains on the ground Following the girl I didn't even want around
Thank Goodness, or Garfield or Google, thank something it's finally Friday.
It's been quite a week. For some folks I know it was a short week, for me it was not, it was a regular week but there was a lot of stuff going on and I'd be lying if I said that my head wasn't just a bit full at the moment.
As you know, on Fridays, I just share songs I like because I like them. Today's song is by Lucinda Williams. I love Lucinda Williams, to say she's an incredibly talented song writer and performer would be a gigantic understatement. She is both of those things but she's also got a quality about her, don't know if it's her voice or the way she writes but Ms Williams has a magical quality that just draws you into her music and won't let you go.
So the song I'm sharing today is called "Protection" and the video for it is striking. The song is from her 2014 album "Down Where the Spirit Meets the Bone." The song is about having the strength to fight against all of the stuff in the world that conspires to defeat us. The woman in the song has a spirit which is stronger than those things though and she won't allow herself to be held down by evil forces. The video tells the story of a woman who is a victim of domestic abuse. It's a great song, the video is powerful. I hope you enjoy them both.
Happy weekend kiddos xo
Livin' in a world full of endless troubles Livin' in a world where darkness doubles But my burden is lifted when I stand up And use the gift I was given for not givin' up
I was watching videos on ye olde you tube the other day and stumbled upon this sweet treat by Jim Bryson. It's a video for his lovely song "Labor Drive" from the "Tired of Waiting" EP.
Last weekend, Easter weekend, a three day weekend, the weather was drab, damp and cold. As weekends go, it was okay but the weather was sort of blah. When you have a long weekend, it's always nice if the sun actually shines and you can feel genuine warmth on your face. Cold and damp weekends, particularly at this time of the year can make you feel like the nice weather is never going to arrive. In actual fact, what will happen is we will wake up one morning to a heat wave and we'll have missed spring and then we'll be complaining about the heat and humidity.
Not that this has anything to do with Mr Bryson's song but the video reminded me that complaining about the temperature aside, summer days will be here at some point, for sure, and if we're lucky we can spend them with friends, outside, under the stars (or clouds), drinking, laughing and eating barbecue.
Regarding Jim Bryson, he's a very talented singer-songwriter and he brings those talents to Kingston this weekend. More information about his show can be found by clicking here.
I hope you enjoy this week's Cancon Thursday video xo
So it's Wednesday, somehow, no idea how, we've made it to the middle of the week.
Before I get into my Way Back Wednesday song, I'd like to take a moment to say Happy Birthday to one of the very best men I know, my dad. If you'd like to know how old he is today, well I'm not going to say but know this, he shares the day of his birth with Ms Barbra Streisand. Happy Birthday Dad, I hope that you have a great day today. There is no way that I can ever thank you enough for everything you do for me but I hope you know how much you're appreciated. We are all so glad that you are here for oh so many reasons not the least of which is because without you, Patrick and I wouldn't be here either!! Love you dad!!
Now...onto Way Back Wednesday. This week I'm sharing a song by Pink Floyd. It's an instrumental (for the most part) and it sort of fits my mood today. I'll not elaborate, you can listen to the song and figure it out. I don't think I've shared a song by the Floyd since I started these posts so I guess it's about time. I'm sharing "One of These Days" with you. It's from their 1971 album Meddle and this version is taken from their concert film "Live at Pompeii."
Oh, because this also fits my mood and I didn't really want to have to pick just one, as an added birthday bonus, on this Way Back Wednesday, I'm sharing a second clip from Live at Pompeii, "Careful With That Axe Eugene," from 1969's Ummagumma. Enjoy xo
I was a teenager (so a very long time ago) I discovered the Cure and instantly fell in love with them. If you could see my record collection you would note that probably the biggest section of it is filled with Cure Albums and EPs.
In my 20's, when I felt like a teenage (and still a very long time ago) I discovered Superchunk and fell in love with them (I fall in love frequently but not easily).
A few years ago, Superchunk participated in the AV Club's Undercover series. They chose to cover the Cure's "In Between Days" and I think it was pretty much a perfect selection. It's fun and awesome and just what you need on a Tuesday morning so... here you go, Superchunk! enjoy xo
I'll not say "good" Friday even though technically that is why I am home today in my pjs (at the moment) and not at work at my desk. As an atheist, this is not my holiday weekend but I like to sleep in and have a day off as much at the next person so I'll take it, thanks.
If the warnings are to be believed, we're supposed to be getting some very crazy rain today. At the moment, it hasn't started yet. The birds I can see from here are not freaking out so maybe it won't happen. It would be nice to not have a soggy long weekend. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a little bit this morning and see what happens.
As far as music goes, and that is why we are all here, I'm sharing a song with you today by an artist I have shared here before. I share because I totally love her, I love her band, I love her voice, I love her songs. She is an amazingly talented songwriter and I'm always happy to see what she's upto.
If you hadn't figured it out yet, I'm talking about Courtney Barnett. This week, I'm sharing her new video for "Everybody Here Hates You." I hope you enjoy it. I also hope we can all stay dry this weekend, wouldn't that be nice?
They shine brightly in the sky AND they make some just really awesome music.
A while ago, I guess about 15 years ago now (yikes), they released the amazing album "Set Yourself on Fire." It's probably one of my favourite albums of the 00's. I can't think of one song on the album that I don't like. I love the way each song tells a story, the lyrics are really vivid and the songs are all beautifully constructed. I lost count a long time ago of how many times I've listened to it.
I'm sharing the song Reunion from "Set Yourself on Fire" today for Cancon Thursday. Unfortunately, the resolution on the video is not great but the sound is. I think we've all had a moment like the ones described in the song... wanting to go back in time and have a do-over with someone you were crushing on... you can't go back though, that's my experience anyway, and no matter how you try to recreate whatever the scenario was that you messed up, it happened and can't be undone.
So check out Reunion and if you like it, go give the rest of album a listen. It's got a timeless quality that I like and again, super solid songs. It's a five-star winner in my books. Hope you enjoy it. Happy Thursday kiddos xo
I'm back in gym and it's the same As my name tag floats away I had six too many drinks last night, yes And that's why I made you stay Plus I always wanted you You liked to rock it in your car You said you didn't understand me Because I always tried to see too far
I actually like foggy mornings like this, I just heard the fog horn and whenever I hear that, it makes me feel like I live somewhere more interesting than Kingston.
So, today, it's Wednesday. On Wednesdays, I go "way back" and find an older song to share with you. Today's song is newer than some of the songs I've shared recently but it's still over 20 years old.
I'm sharing "Lonely Days" by Future Bible Heroes today. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with Future Bible Heroes, they are a super awesome indie pop group led by the fantastic Stephin Merritt (The Magnetic Fields).
When I heard "Lonely Days" for the first time, back in 1997, it reminded me of an old favourite song from high school, "Souvenir" by OMD. It's from the album Memories of Love which features such other gems as "Death Opened a Boutique" and "But You're So Beautiful." Funny (to me) story, I was record shopping in Nashville and found the Future Bible Heroes filed in the christian music section of the shop. I laughed out loud when I saw that.
I hope you enjoy this live from KEXP version of "Lonely Days." It was recorded during the summer of 2013.
The sun is already showing it's face so it feels like today might be a good day already.
Last week, the one and only, completely incredible J Mascis released a little treat for us. It was a cover too (and hey, it's Tuesday so I'm sharing it here today). He did a fun little cover of Tom Petty and the Heartbreaker's "Don't Do Me Like That" from the 1979 album, Damn The Torpedoes.
As I have stated here before, I'm not a giant fan of the late Tom Petty but Damn The Torpedoes is a great album and one I can go back to and listen to from time to time. When you've been doing that for 40 years, you know it's a good album.
Anyway, without any fanfare I'm just going to leave this here for you to check out. I really like it, it's pretty true to the original but fun all the same. Thanks Mr Mascis!!
If you were paying attention, you noticed that I didn't post a "not guilty just pleasure" song last week. I had taken the day off and was sort of busy getting some stuff done, running around town and the like and it just never happened. I thought about posting later in the weekend but again, the time got away from me and I didn't. Not apologizing, just explaining.
Now a week has passed and I have a song to share today. It's a song I have been going back to and listening to this week. Like several times a day. I have no idea why. As with most Polyphonic Spree songs, I'm not sure what they are about. Most of the time it doesn't matter, it's joyful and fun and sometimes that's all you need or want.
The video for this particular song (I think) is beautiful. Now, I've watched it dozens of times and cannot tell what's going on to the main dude. Did he die and go to heaven and dancing around in the barn with the Spree is a cool way to spend the afterlife... did he die and just realize that heaven is kind of boring, an empty field without a cute girl to chase to a party? Either way, I like it. I'd really love to see all of the footage of the performance in the barn, without the cutaways to the dude.
Over the past few weeks, I was going through some weird shit. I'd been really sick about a month ago. It lasted a few days and when it was over, I was still feeling crummy. Night sweats, chills, nausea, weirdness. Something happened over the weekend and I suddenly started to feel better. Slept better, night sweats let up, chills were gone... all good. No idea what was going on but I'll not question it or complain about it.
I do think that my feeling better and my seeking out this song (which I'm sure I've shared here before but I don't really care) is connected. I love how they are telling us to hold ourselves up, go into your own mind to do that... don't rely upon a higher power, you are your higher power. Oh, and bees. Honey bees.
So, I'm sharing the video for "Hold Yourself Up" from the Polyphonic Spree's amazing 2013 Album, Yes, It's True.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do, happy weekend kittens xo
The more I hear about the shenanigans (I'm being extremely polite here) that the Ford government are getting up to, the sadder and angrier I get. It's feeling a lot like it did when the Harris folks were in charge. Over the last few months, every once in a while, the song I'm sharing with you today pops into my head.
Now, there is never ever a good time to be poor but during the Harris government days and right now, in Ontario, it's definitely a bad time to be poor. Today, for Cancon Thursday, I'm sharing "Bad Time To Be Poor" by The Rheostatics from their album "The Blue Hy
steria." The song is as relevant today as it was when it was originally released back in 1996.
I'm sure that better days are coming for folk in Ontario but some days, it's hard to focus on that when getting by, day to day, is so tough.
It is a bad time to be poor 'Cause we don't give a shit no more If you want to go for help, don't look next door The line's been drawn and staked outside
I guess my base criteria for a song to qualify for Way Back Wednesday is that it be at least 20 years old. Today's song is a bit older than that. I have no idea when exactly I first heard this song but I know that before I'd heard it, I had no clue who Timmy Thomas was. That's right, I'm sharing a Timmy Thomas song today.
"I've got to see you tonight" is a really groovy, sexy tune. It was released in1974 on the album, "You're the Song I've Always Wanted to Sing" While "I've got to see you tonight" definitely has a 70's funky sound, it's also pretty timeless. It's one of those songs that you could add to a playlist and no one would cringe or raise an eyebrow to hear it thrown into the mix. You can judge for yourself, give it a listen and let me know if it's something you'd add into your regular rotation. Happy Hump Day kiddos xo
Is spring actually here? It kind of felt like it was on the weekend, the past couple of days though, I'm not so sure.... Not complaining though, if I'm not shoveling, I'm a happy kid.
Speaking of happy kids.... some songs just always make you happy when you hear them. The Beat's "Save It For Later" is one of those songs, well for me anyway. Pete Townshend would agree with me I know, without a doubt. It's a song he also loves and he does a really lovely cover of it. You can find it on his "Deep End Live" album.
So, without a lot of fuss, bother and fanfare, today I'm sharing Pete Townshend's cover of the Beat classic, "Save It For Later."
As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I was talking to my brother on the weekend briefly and the topic of our brief chat was (and usually is) music. He wanted to let me know that I should check out a Toronto band called The Pinecones. His advice is always bang on so I went over to bandcamp and found their page. I feel like I'm a bit late to the Pinecones party because they have been around for a while and I only just heard about them on the weekend but sometimes that's not a bad thing at all. I'm pretty happy to have been turned on to them at all. Now, I can't tell if they are still actually a going concern. Their last bandcamp release was from 2014 and their facebook page hasn't been updated since 2017.
It really doesn't matter to me. I enjoyed what I heard, a lot. It's fun, jangly pop music and, because it's Thursday (and the Pinecones are a fine Canadian combo), I'm going to share one of their songs with you today. Actually, there is a video too, the song is called "Gloomy Monday" and it's pretty sweet and stars a class of 6th graders. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Cancon Thursday kittens xo
Sometimes, if you're really very lucky, a super awesome fun song will get stuck in your head.
Ear worms are not often songs you actually like. This week, I lucked out and an awesome song got stuck in my head for days and days.
The song I'm talking about was recorded the year I was born (so it's super ancient and definitely qualifies for "way back" status and released the following spring. Always a sucker for songs with lists, "Friends of Mine" by the Zombies is an old favourite of mine. I was chatting with my brother about it on the weekend and he shared a "fun fact" about the song with me, apparently all of the couples mentioned in the list of friends were no longer couples by the mid-1970's. Not surprising I suppose but still a little sad. "Friends of Mine" was recorded for the 1968 album Odessey and Oracle. In my opinion, it's an awesome album. It's one of those timeless records which you can revisit time and time again and always find something interesting and cool in it. If you like this live version of "Friends of Mine," please go check out the rest of Odessey and Oracle. I think you'll love it!!
So the other day I was talking about all of the amazing music I've been listening by talented young women.
One of those women is Sidney Gish. I've mentioned her here before and today, because it's Tuesday, I'm going to share a cover she recently released. The song was released as part of Cavetown's "Animal Kingdom" series. The last release in the series is called "Jackson" and it features Cavetown playing "Hug All Ur Friends" and Sidney Gish's cover of the classic Jackson Browne song (from Fast Times at Ridgemont High), "Somebody's Baby."
It's a sweet, fun version of the early 80's hit. If you like it and would like to support the artists, hit the Cavetown link above and purchase it via Bandcamp. It takes 2 seconds and will feel so good to do.