Friday, June 10, 2005

hurray for Friday!

Well it's almost the weekend again. I will admit that at the moment I'm a little bit brain dead. I'm blaming it all on the weather. I'm sure that wherever you are reading this from, it's steamy hot too. This particular heat wave seems to be widespread. Last night it never cooled off, not even after the sun went down. It's a little scary, particularly here in the "great white north" that it's so hot this early in the season. I mean, it's not even officially summer for another 10 or so days. The upside of it, I suppose, is that it's too hot for the grass to grow. When it doesn't grow, you don't have to cut it. I don't mind that at all!

Mark's off this weekend and we don't have much planned other than the obvious puttering around the house. There are still piles of boxes in my office, the guest room and in the basement. It's not bothering me though. The stuff we really need is either unpacked or easily accessible. This weekend, in the cool of the basement, I'd like to get around to unpacking our records and CD's. That will put a big dent into the pile and will force us to organize the rest of the boxes. Before we do too much of that though, Mark needs to sort out the floor in his "rock room." The room in the basement where his stereo will live (this is his huge ass 70's era stereo -- we have a petite but powerful home theatre system in the living room) used to be a bedroom. We think that it had a waterbed in it and that the carpet had been cut away from around the bed. Right now, there is a rectangle of carpet underlay seemingly crazy glued to the basement floor. Mark wants to get some kind of scraper to get that up before anything goes in there. It's gonna be a neat room when it's done though, it actually has two windows and is a decent size. The stereo should sound pretty good in there and it'll be nice to have our turntables hooked up again.

new gas meter
Originally uploaded by Julep67.

The lovely gents from the city installed our gas meter yesterday. They had to make a hole in the pavement in front of the house, two holes in the lawn and two holes in our driveway. When we booked this, we asked the fellow from the city if we could have the pavers patch the driveway when they did the road (at our expense of course). The fellow Mark's been dealing with (who, I might add has been a total dream to work with!) said that it wouldn't be a problem. When we got home tonight, we saw that they had filled the hole in the street but that our driveway and lawn were just kind of rubble-y, very roughly filled.

Tonight when we got home, we saw that the driveway holes had been filled with asphalt and that the holes in the lawn had been filled with topsoil and grass seed. They did a fabulous job, I was shocked actually. It was way more than we expected. Now we just have to wait for our pipe fitter to come back and do the hook up from the meter to the stove. Once he's done, the city will come back, inspect his work and, if all's well, we'll have gas to our new stove. It's been nice barbecuing over the past couple of weeks but it'll be really good to have a stove again!

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