Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Way Back Wednesday - Only You

Can you even prove that you were a teenager during the 1980's if there isn't a copy of the 1982 album, "Upstairs At Eric's" by Yazoo/Yaz in your record collection?

I can and there is.

For Way Back Wednesday, I'm sharing the oh so very 80's video of "Only You" by Yazoo. Vince Clarke and Alison Moyet, what a pair. INSANE talent! 

That's all I'll say for now. Hope your week is going okay. Stay safe and well and please be kind to each other xo

This is going to take a long time
And I wonder what's mine
Can't take no more
Wonder if you'll understand
It's just the touch of your hand
Behind a closed door

1 comment:

Vicki Vee said...

Alison Moyet is a goddess. Erasure is still one of my favourite bands from Britain. Thank you for posting this.