Friday, March 20, 2020

Not Guilty Just Pleasure - (Nothing But) Flowers

With everything that has been going on this week, I forgot to post here. I sort of wish I hadn't. It's been an eerie week and I probably should have been writing about it.
Talking Heads Naked

It's day four of me working from work. Work has been (thankfully) very busy. I feel grateful to have a job that is not only keeping me busy and employed but has also allowed me to work from home during this crisis. My deepest thanks goes out to front line workers everywhere who can't be isolated in their homes right now, of course health care workers and retail staff but also people who provide other essential services which allow us to have electricity, water and internet in our homes.

I wanted to just check in today and see how everyone is doing. I also wanted to share a song with you which has been in my head for a couple of weeks now, probably the most fun song you'll ever hear about living on this planet after an apocalypse... the message of it is as relevant today as it was back in 1988 when Talking Heads recorded it for the "Naked" album.

Stay safe and well kids, and please, be kind to each other. This shit isn't easy on anyone. xo

Years ago
I was an angry young man
And I'd pretend
That I was a billboard
Standing tall
By the side of the road
I fell in love
With a beautiful highway
This used to be real estate
Now it's only fields and trees
Where, where is the town
Now, it's nothing but flowers
The highways and cars
Were sacrificed for agriculture
I thought that we'd start over
But I guess I was wrong

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