Friday, March 13, 2020

Not Guilty Just Pleasure - Birds Don't Sing

Happy Friday kids.

What a week it's been  huh?

As I mostly write about music here, it's probably obvious to you that I think about music, a lot. Over the past couple of days I've been thinking about the impact that the COVID-19 outbreak is having on musicians. We all know that for the majority of working musicians, touring is their bread and butter. You take touring away from them (as we're seeing happen more and more as the list of tour cancellations piles up) and they are going to be financially knee-capped. Not only does that loss of income affect their families and their day to day lives, it'll mean that they may not have the resources to continue to make the music we love so much.

Personally, I have tickets for a concert tomorrow night. I'm hoping it still happens as I feel like an evening of music with Hawksley Workman and Sarah Slean will do me a world of good. If you've been planning to see a show or shows and it looks like it might not be happening, you can still support your favourite artists... order their records or merch. If you already have everything, buy  some for gifts, birthdays, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Mother's Day...Father's Day... just because day.

Today, I'm sharing TV Girl's "Birds Don't Sing" from their 2014 album, "French Exit."

Stay well my friends xo

Birds don't sing, they just fall from of the sky
Girls don't call, and they never tell you why
That's just how they say goodbye

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