Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Because It's Tuesday - week of January 14

Well, finally, I'm back.

I had a wonderful break in BC. Being away for 3.5 weeks made my re-entry to Ontario and work a bit difficult. Fortunately, last week, I only worked for 2 days so that definitely helped.

Just a quick post today, to start off the new year here. Over the weekend, during a crappy rain / freezing rain storm, I took some time off to veg out and watch some TV. One of the things I watched during the storm was a documentary on Netflix about the 1960's music scene in Laurel Canyon called "Echo in the Canyon." It is hosted by Jakob Dylan and it's definitely worth watching. He interviews John Sebastian, Lou Adler, Tom Petty, Michelle Phillips and many others. In addition to sharing the original songs of the era (by The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, The Association, etc.), Jakob and some friends (including Beck, Cat Power and Fiona Apple) performing their versions of these same songs.

The cover I'm sharing today is Jakob Dylan's version of the Beach Boys song "I Just Wasn't Made For These Times" (from Pet Sounds). I actually prefer the Jim James version but I found this clip from the movie and thought I should probably share this instead.  Hope you enjoy it and if you haven't listened to it lately, I just think that there is never a bad day to close your eyes and listen to the wonderful Pet Sounds.  Thank you Brian Wilson!

They say I got brains
But they ain't doing me no good
I wish they could

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